Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Tongue...

So I have noticed that ALMOST every patient I have seen this semester does not brush their tongue... and if they do, they do not get back far enough! This my friends leads to a coated gross tongue, and Halitosis! I have been using the tongue scrapper, the ORABRUSH and LOVE it. It is the greatest tongue scraper ever invented, in my opinion. It works like a charm, and I have referred all these patients with coated tongues to Walmart to go buy one. I think the tongue gets overlooked by many, and as hygienists, it is our job to educate on the importance of tongue cleaning! Plus who wants to kiss someone that has a gross coated tongue, not me! Life is good, brush your tongues! :)

1 comment:

  1. Adrienne, hairy tongues are nasty, I am glad you brush yours! I am so glad that you are thinking about other ways to help patients. I think that we get really caught up on what we HAVE to do to meet requirements, that we sometimes overlook little things that actually make a really big difference. Way to go girl, I will learn from you!
