Thursday, November 17, 2011

Numb Thumb...

Today in clinic this morning I saw a Class III that Tori so generously gave to me to finish up. She had done the OD and one Quad and let me finish the last 3 Quads. Well, let me tell you, now I know why she gave her away! She was SOOOOO hard! The calculus was so tenacious. I was literally sweating as I was working on removing the lovely black build-up. I was using more lateral pressure than I have used all year! So... the result, a few areas missed, new instrument techniques learned, and a NUMB THUMB! What the crap is that all about? Well I asked several people if this is normal... Marcy informed me that she had it happen to her several times last year and was so concerned because she would have the numbness for a couple weeks at a time! A couple weeks? Are you kidding me? But according to Costley, via Marcy, this is totally normal. Great. Awesome. This is the thumb I use to text. It feels weird now. Do I seriously have to deal with this for a couple of weeks? Wow, I must have been using some SERIOUS lateral pressure! Thanks Tori for the 3 Quads, I love you! :) And I will update in a couple weeks about the numbness of my thumb. Life is good... even with a numb thumb! :)


  1. LOL That was great! :) I love you adrienne that seriously made my night :)

  2. Adrienne...that was me that told you that!
