Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mockboard #2

Well today was Mockboard #2... and boy was it fun!! NOT.
Why do I get so STRESSED out on these days? Honestly, I am really scared to see how I will be on the actual Board Clinical! I may need to take some Valium! (Kelsey... got any left? HaHa!) I will say that I did improve from the last experience... but I swear these hard patients are drawn to me on these days! I have had VERY HARD patients at both mockboards! I was thinking to myself today as I was cleaning my patients quad... "Why in the Hell have you done this to yourself AGAIN?" I guess when you are desperate for a mockboard patient, you will take the first one that Alexander says will qualify! I should have really thought about it when Alexander said, "this will be a hard patient!" Wow, she was right! I am however grateful for the experience of these hard patients, but I need confidence going into the real board that I will actually PASS! So girls... please pray for me, that my next mockboard and board patient will be easy, perfect patients (does that even exist?) so that my confidence can come back! Because after today... I wonder if I am destined to be a hygienist! Life is good because today is over! :)


  1. Adrienne, I remember that hard patient with those crazy red gums! I hope that the hygiene gods smile on us before they did this time and that we can all find board patients early and that they will all be reliable, and not be too difficult. Way to go on making it through another mockboard. You are definitely destined to become a hygienist!

  2. I know how you feel! I think I tell my husband that I am not supposed to by a hygienist at least once a week. I'm sure he is ready to say, "You're right! You're not!" We survived this week. We just need to make it through the sealant clinic tomorrow and then it is on to preparing for our written boards. Here's hoping we pass those! Adrienne, you are amazing for what you are doing! Your kids have got to be so proud of you!

  3. Adrienne, do not let a "hard patient" get you down. We all get knocked down, we just have to choose to get back up. My patient was very hard as well and I 100% completely understand what you are feeling. But I know you, I know what you are capable of. I remember our second semester, I thought...I wish I could do as well as Adrienne, you seemed to have it all together. You know what you are capable of, just keep that in mind. And lets start finding better mockboard/board patients.

  4. Wow Girls... Thank you so much for all the sweet kind words! I love all of you so much! Thanks for being there and being my friend! You are all amazing Women! :)

  5. Adding to what the other girls have said, don't shortchange yourself at all. Your patient sounded like a particularly difficult case. Thanks for sharing a pod with me during Mockboards. You were really fun to have right across the way. You calmed my nerves bunches.
